K12prWell is Gaining Steam!

Still catching our breath!

Thinking back over the time since the NSPRA Seminar in D.C., it's hard to wrap our heads around how much has happened with the #k12prWell conversation. Here are some highlights...

  • Launch of our e-mail network (a few weeks later made wayyyyy better by Pat Hawn and our friends at MarketVolt). Last week we reached a new high of -- still can't believe it -- 181 subscribers.

  • A #k12prChat event about wellness that Cathy Kedjidjian invited us to moderate. That night was is one of the largest and most engaged crowds we've had since #k12prChat launched in 2015 -- no wonder we felt like it was flying by faster than we could even take in!

  • Co-presenting NSPRA's first PR Power Hour of the year, this time with our incredible collaborator, social work leader and friend, Heather Carter. We even heard a rumor that this was one of the most highly live-attended Power Hours in NSPRA history.

  • Gracious partnership with ThoughtExchange will allow us to use this powerful tool to help others feel safe and private sharing their wellness journey -- and seeing what they have in common with others. We used this during our session at NSPRA Seminar in D.C. (Thanks Colin!), and we can't wait to use it again soon.

  • Kristin is excited to present about k12prWell at KanSPRA this Thursday and NCSPRA/SCSPRA in early November -- with more dates bubbling up 2020. (This wouldn't be possible without the support of her employer, Willdan.)

  • We'll be recording a School PR Happy Hour podcast before 2019 is done! (Sure hope we didn't just spoil any surprise, Erin and Justin!)

While both of us have been carrying heavy loads at work and in our family lives the last several weeks, we want you to know how sincerely grateful we are for all of this. Thank you for joining us in D.C. For signing up for our e-mail list. For replying or tweeting to let us know a message that helped you. For showing up for the conversation, wherever you can!

Two Books We Really Love

Before we go, we each wanted to share one book that has influenced our personal wellness journey. There are SO many great titles -- but here are two of our favorites:

From Shawn...

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle. This book helped me realize my consciousness, my awareness, and what defines my ego. It helped me enter a new dimension of empathy for others, while allowing me to work on being at my most present.

From Kristin:

Unstoppable: Running the Race You Were Born to Win by Christine Caine. I resisted this when a friend loaned it to me in 2016 because it was written by a religious author, but I was quickly enthralled with her story of creating a global network to stop human trafficking and the improbable path that she followed. This was the first time I became aware of how tightly I clung to my job identity. I also learned that change was not just possible -- it was generous. Passing the baton of a job, committee or volunteer role, or other responsibility means giving someone else and opportunity to grow and shine.

Is there a book that has guided you toward greater health or happiness, we'd love to hear more! Tag us in a tweet, or e-mail us.

Thanks for being part of the #k12prWell conversation!

Shawn & Kristin

Shawn McKillop, APR | @ShawnMcKillop on Twitter

Kristin Magette, APR | @kmagette on Twitter


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